Saturday 10 November 2012


Went to see ARGO today with Stéphane and really REALLY liked it.  Excellently written suspense, wicked casting, even some dark humour.  I mean, we know that they make it out but hoo boy it was stressful.   


Our weekday routine is that I pick Liliane up first, then we go get Alice together.  Now that it's dark at the end of the day, she informed me that we have to TICKTOE across the street.  Because the squirrels have BIG CLAWS.  So, TICKTOE Maman.   And I do.


Alice finally succeeded to take a bite out of the bar of soap in the bathtub today.  All attempts to grab it out of her mouth failed and she swallowed a chunk.  Yum.  She eventually stopped crying and grimacing and we gave her some yogurt to help with what must be a nasty taste in her throat.  Poor thing.  But I'm pretty sure she won't be doing that again.


Our upstairs neighbours have people over and someone is wearing high heels.  On a hardwood floor.  Honestly, how can that NOT be annoying?  Plus they are ENGINEERS for crying out loud.  Maybe all their brain cells are being used up engaging in all that loud conversation and raucous laughter.  #cantwaittomove


Alice has a new thing where she comes up behind me, grabs my legs and buries her head in the back of my knees.  Usually when I'm making dinner.  Then she gets kind of all giggly and takes a bite out of my thigh.  Or if I happen to pick her up, my shoulder.  My yelp of pain/surprise only makes her laugh harder.  Zombie in training?  Extreme teething?  Whatever it is, I get kinda twitchy when she's around these days.


I think I am addicted to the explanatory subtitles at the end of TV shows or movies based on real stories.  It's the reason I sometimes watch Intervention.  I realized as I was watching RAY the other day that I only stopped what I was doing to actually watch at the end, during the subtitles.  Those are my FAVOURITE.  Not sure why.  Bonus points if real archival photos and video are mixed in so we see what the real people looked like.  I know, it's weird. 


Tomorrow is Remembrance Day.  In honour of our veterans we won't indulge in the Piercy family tradition of listening to Christmas music on Sundays.  We can start next week.


Back tomorrow. 

1 comment:

Vanessa Z. said...

This was a fantastically entertaining post!

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