Tuesday 26 June 2007

NITRO premiere

Monday was a day for cleaning (starting to get things organized and re-arranged for the baby room), then cleaning up and going to the premiere of Nitro! It was at Place des Arts and we had to walk the red carpet to get to our tickets - very glam. Those funky cars are called T-Rexes and they have a pretty big part in the film. The evening was a huge success, the people loved it and the party afterwards was super fun. We stayed out until almost midnight! The office was pretty quiet this morning, let me tell you...

I'll let you know when the English version comes out and where.


Anonymous said...

Very cool looking occasion and I love the cars!

By the way, really nice belly shot - do I detect a little glow...?

Jennifer said...

What a pretty girl!!!
I can't wait till you get here!

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