Funny how scant few years ago I wouldn't have described myself as a parade person. I've been to a couple of fun ones over the years but those were in the summer. Pretty sure there were no parkas involved.
Then we had a kid and TA-DA! Free festive activity + fresh air = instant parade fan!
Last year was our first family Santa Claus parade experience. Remember this little snugglebug?
We upgraded to the latest mobile model. There are a couple of bugs with this newer version, notably her unwillingness to wear mittens.
We invited two other families to join us. It's hard to recognize them all bundled up but from the left that's Rosie (well recovered from croup, thanks), Liliane and Viggo of Halloween dance party fame:
Rosie was kind enough to share her snacks when we all went to the Botanical Gardens a few weeks ago, so now it was Liliane's turn:
Viggo with yummy mummy Isabelle:
Julie, dealer of goldfish:
And there were hugs and kisses all around:
The parade! Finally! (half hour behind schedule felt more like a half day)
Liliane hasn't made the connection between Santa and presents yet so this kind of excitement wasn't for the big guy in red:
But for this guy:
Merry Christmas! It's Spiderman!
Hey, whatever. It's a parade.
Rosie wasn't having a good time (nothing a nap couldn't fix luckily) so she and her Mamas left early. We snapped some family photos while waiting for the big finale:
Ho ho ho!
And, that was it.
Super fun, free and right down the street from our house. The perfect toddler activity!
We spent the rest of the weekend getting out the Christmas decorations and introducing Liliane to Frosty and Rudolph. Bonhomme de neige (snowman) is quickly replacing citrouille de Halloween (Halloween pumpkin) as her most cherished holiday phrase.
Wahoo! Alouettes just won the Grey Cup! Awesome!
Have a great week everyone!
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