Monday 9 April 2007

Begin at the Beginning...

Welcome to my blog! This has been on my to-do list for quite a while so I'm happy to finally put my two-cents worth out into the world... I credit my sister Jennifer for inspiring me with her own blog and my Mom for convincing me that people would actually read my blog once I created one :)

I admit too that getting pregnant is a big motivator. Actually, getting pregnant when you live across the country from most of your family is the motivator! I'm 13 weeks along, due October 14th. My husband Stéphane and I are happy and in the midst of planning how we are going to make it all work in our third-floor, two-bedroom apartment!

I hope to post regularly - if my sister, mother of 5 children including a newborn can do it, I have no excuse!


Jennifer said...

I Love it!! I look forward to obsessivly checking and reading you blog!

Unknown said...

Yay! Welcome to Blogland, Theresa! :D This is exciting! I'm definitely bookmarking your blog to check it often. :)

Praying the next several months go nice and smooth.

By the way, doesn't that big orange globe remind you of something? Hee hee!

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