Saturday 31 January 2009

I Have a Good Excuse!


It's the dang Twilight series! I can't stop! I flew through the first book last Saturday, read the second book this week and am desperately waiting for the third. These are not great works of literature (believe me), but it's such fun to read.

It's weird because I'm not really interested in vampires, or teen romance novels for that matter. But we aren't in Sweet Valley High territory (remember those??)! I have not seen the movie (BTW any preteen girls in the Montreal area need a chaperone? Call me.) although I am tempted to go. Even though it's Oscar movie season I'm STILL tempted to go.
Such is the hold that Edward and Bella have on me and my free time.
No, I'll wait for the DVD which is coming out March 21st. Not that I checked or anything.


Anyway, all this to say that I have a bunch of pictures to post and I'll try to get those up soon.
To tide you over, here is my current favorite.
À bientôt!


Anonymous said...

haha! Sucka! They are so addictive! my story is even worse, I read the books as they came out (I think starting when the 2nd came out) and then RE-READ each in december before I saw the movie. and, ahem, I "don't like sci-fi"
Do you want me to send you season 1 of buffy next? xoxo

Anonymous said...

PS - CUTE KID!! I definitely need more pics of that pretty face! I think this is just about the longest ive gone without seeing her so far. sad face.

Maguiresaunt said...

What beautiful eyes! :o)

Vanessa Z. said...

I LOVE those books too!!! Haven't seen the movie either... hope that it lives up to the books. Your little dolly is so gorgeous... love the picture!

Unknown said...

OMG, that photo is gorgeous and adorable all at once! The hat looks so cute on Lili. I had to save it. :c)

You really like the books, eh? I know a bit of the story, but haven't read them yet.

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