Friday 14 November 2008

Greetings from Phlegm-ville!

Where it's all-virus, all-the-time! Liliane has been sick for about 2341 days and I have finally succumbed. I dodged the pink-eye that Stéphane picked up (phewf) for the relatively pleasant sore throat/cough combo. Luckily we found a new pediatrician (our original Dr. just didn't come back from maternity leave - ironic AND annoying) and our appointment is tomorrow. We are armed with not only a stuffy and coughing baby but a huge list of big-time parental concerns like: just HOW MUCH Vicks can we apply to our wheezy baby? Are you SURE there are no DRUGS we can give her?? And when you say "illegal", how flexible are you on that?

Sigh. I'll let you know how it goes.

Anyway, we took a break from chilly Montréal last weekend and skipped off to Hawaii!

Just kidding! Those exotic photos are courtesy of our visit to the Centre de la nature in the suburb of super-fabulous Laval, Quebec!

Since we're still enjoying a snow-free autumn, we figured we should do an outdoor activity and the Centre de la nature has a little farm that's open all year round:

And next to the farm there's a greenhouse full of exotic plants that we ducked into just as the skies opened to pour rain... Made for a rainforest-type experience, minus the bugs.

We found this sign on the little footbridge:


We got up close and personal with a parrot.

Play count the chins!

In other news... Julie's partner Joyce risked explusion at the YMCA last Friday to take these exclusive photos of our swimming class.

Right after this photo was taken we got in trouble because we may have captured, you know, naked people in the background.

The girls in action! There are actually about 15 other kids and parents in our class but Joyce was respecting the rules and being sure not to photograph anyone else...

The goal is to get your child as comfortable as possible in the water and not clutching them in your arms. It would be WAY easier if the pool wasn't so chilly!

Why does my child wear a violently pink bathing cap that clashes completely with her swimsuit? I thought it was cute. Sorry baby. I'm starting a savings account for future therapy.

Both of our girls have been underwater and are even sort of enjoying splashing around at arm's length. I can even sit Liliane on the side and she'll lean down to "jump"in the water to me. I think it's mainly because she's freezing, but I'll take it!

And that's about it for us!
Aside from the pediatrician tomorrow, we'll be tidying up for my Dad's visit next week. And when I say "we" I mean "the cleaning ladies". Except that my cleaning ladies are not returning my calls so I'm hunting for a new one. I have officially given up the charade of keeping this place clean on my own on a regular basis. A big FAIL on my part but I'm OK with that.
Plus Christmas is coming! Is anyone else feeling the sparkle in the air? It's that magical time when it's early enough not to be freaked out about everything there is to do but close enough to startmaking shortbread. Miam. (That would be french for "yum".)
OK the ladies of The View are officially grating on me. Must turn off the TV and get dressed. Have a good weekend everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww (and a little bit ewww...) Looks like a fun time at the petting zoo and Liliane almost looks like she's enjoying herself in the pool!

Maybe you should get your Christmas shopping done now while it's still a snow-less fall :o)

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