But there is the possibility of presents!
So here's mah list:
I know I'm only a year or so behind, but I love this grey nail polish from American Apparel.

Speaking of books - did you know that there is a Netflix but for books? In Canada? And they have gift certificates. Just sayin'.

This is my favourite massage destination. Not the floaty hippy baths, just the massage. In case you were wondering.

I saw a woman walking around in these on the weekend and my shoe envy went through the roof. I didn't even know I wanted obnoxious yellow flip flops, but it turns out that I DO. Size 9.
I've been wanting to try this new nail bar but I think Stéphane has got this covered. I'll let you know how it goes.
I don't think these would even look good on me, but I drool over nice sunglasses that do not come from somewhere that also sells cotton balls and shampoo.

I am in love with these kooky earrings from Etsy:
Fresh flowers are in my top five all-time favourite gifts. Can't go wrong with that.
I covet these amazing cupcake transport thingys. I have a dream to be able to bring cupcakes somewhere without involving my roasting pans.

LOL!! You make me laughs! Love the list... now I want to try all of those things too :o)
I can't believe its already your bday! That means its summah!!! That cake mix dr book must be the sequel. I only have the original but maybe if you get that we can swap recipes. Also, I already got you that netflix books thing and its called the library! Does it suck there? We have great luck reserving titles and getting them in a timely fashion. So much that I can't stop blabbing about it. Can you tell? I must add that putting all the stuff you want on your blog doesn't have much of a return, at least in my experience. Maybe I'll get that Moop market bag NEXT christmas. Although I have been thinking about making it a monthly thing. Lord knows there is plenty of stuff I want.
Ha ha Auntie B, the libr- what? That place that has maybe 5% of its shelves devoted to books en anglais? And good luck if you want to read something NEW. Or even NEW-ish. You guys have an awesome library. My part of Frenchy town? Not so much.
Thanks Theresa for a great big smile and a laugh on an otherwise crappy day! Those cupcake things are fabulous...I might have to put those on MY birthday list! :o)
boo about the library, what about by work? same thing? here the shelves are shit but no one looks at them anyway. you reserve online and can pick up when its in. when your book is avail at any branch in the whole city they bring it to your library and put your name on it then send you an email. i am super obsessed, or at least i was when i had a bit more reading time. now that it takes me a month to get through a book the nook works so much better.
i heard by christmas the nook and kindle will be $99. crazy. the books are so cheap, like $10 for a brand new hardcover, less than that for older books. and with the nook you can "lend books" of course who knows if it works in canada (sad trombone)
speaking of - have you read anything good lately?
Theresa, methinks you're being way too subtle. I'm getting this sense that you want some stuff for your birthday but I'm still unclear as to what....
Reading this on Tuesday. Only 2 shopping days left to get any of these. And stop complaining about 36! (Writes the birthday-phobic person.)
And DO try Rouge Bar; got an invite to a Mtl Film Fest do there last year and managed to swing free manis and pedis for me and two of my cast members.
I have that cupcake thing! Its awesome!!! My new blackberry let's me read blogs :-D I can catch up on ur lives now lol!
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